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  • #3993266

    Windows 11, Word and PDF

    by russellpcairns ·

    I recently bought a HP Elite Mini 800 G9 Desktop PC with Windows 11 Pro and upgraded my programs, etc. from a Windows 10 Dell computer that I have had for about 5 years.

    Today, I tried to follow the instructions in Susan Harkins’ article “How to convert an image into editable text in Microsoft Word”.

    I actually only wanted to open an existing PDF document for editing in Word. I found that Word would not even attempt to open the document – it defaulted to Acrobat Reader no matter what I tried to do. I even uninstalled Acrobat Reader only to find that the document still opened in Acrobat Reader even though Control Panel no longer shows Acrobat Reader at all.

    I still have my old computer and I have no trouble at all opening PDF documents for editing in Word but it’s a real pain having to convert them on my old PC and then copy the converted document to my Windows 11 PC in order to work on it.

    Is this a known problem with Windows 11, Word and/or PDF?

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      Re: Word and pdf

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Windows 11, Word and PDF

      Recent versions of MS Word (2013 and later) can open and edit pdf’s indeed. But you need to use File>Open in Word to open it.

      In Settings>Apps>Default Apps you tell Windows what program to open a file based on the extension (like .pdf or .jpg or .docx) with if you double click the file in File Explorer. Apparently it still says to open a pdf with Adobe Reader.

      It’s not a good idea to uninstall a program that is referenced there and leave it as default program to open certain file types with.

    • #3996932

      Reply To: Windows 11, Word and PDF

      by Willjoe24 ·

      In reply to Windows 11, Word and PDF

      How to convert a Word document to a PDF:
      Open the file in Microsoft Word.
      Convert Word document to PDF: On Windows, click the Acrobat tab, then click “Create PDF.”
      Protect PDF:
      Save as a PDF file


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