
  • Creator
  • #2241319

    Windows 2000 Server


    by ·

    I am a new server administrator for a small company. I run batch files for backups. The batch files copy employees folders to an off site server. There are multiple batch files running at different times. Is there a command that can be written to automatically add command lines to the current batch files when a new user is added to the domain? I am trying to save myself multiple steps when working with the backups.

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    • #2663064


      by ·

      In reply to Windows 2000 Server


    • #2662963

      Why Multiple Files?

      by bincarnato ·

      In reply to Windows 2000 Server

      If all user folders are in one directory, just use one batch file and copy the entire user directory to the remote server.
      This command copies all new or changed files and subfolders:
      xcopy “source\*.*” “destination” /d/s/c/i/h/r/k/y

      • #2643276

        Probably need to start over.

        by ·

        In reply to Why Multiple Files?

        The problem is that the company is not running AD, and the domain controller is NT server 4.0. The files are on each persons individual computer. So the batch file is set to locate the files on those computers, and then copy them over to the off site computer. What I find myself doing is going through each batch file and adding two lines of commands for a new employee. We have a batch file for each day of the week, one that runs monthly, and one that runs yearly. I am hoping that I can write a batch file that can automatically add the code for me when I add someone as a user on the domain.

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