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  • #3937659

    Windows 7 vs Windows 8

    by sam jr ·

    What is new to windows 8 from windows 7

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    • #3940681
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      Re: Windows 7 vs Windows 8

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Windows 7 vs Windows 8

      A rather strange question. Since Windows 8 was released on October 26, 2012, the past tense (What [i]was[/i] different) would have been better.

      Anyway, tells a lot. But you might have to actually work with Windows 8 to find out why it wasn’t popular.

    • #3940677
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Windows 7 vs Windows 8

      We don’t have any PCs at office, home or shop that runs those anymore.

      I can tell you that either can a PAIN IN THE ACUTE ANGLE to clean install today as today’s hardware rarely has drivers for these old Windows.

    • #3940675
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      My take….

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Windows 7 vs Windows 8

      Considering that Microsoft no longer supports either Windows 7 or 8 it seems a little silly to try to do anything with either version, short of upgrading to Windows 10 or 11 (if your computer meets the minimum requirements).

      • #3940674
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        The last good thing about Windows 8.

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to My take….

        Is that we were able to get a free upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 8 last month.

        It’s good for something!!!

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