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  • #2140558

    Windows’ ARM chip

    by macdaemon ·


    Well, it seems Apple will conquer the laptop market with their M1 and next ARM chips. What do you think/what can you say/what do you hear about Windows’ ARM chip? Other manufacturers?
    Is ARM the future of all computing?

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    • #2414338
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      For now, Windows ARM is a failure.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Windows’ ARM chip

      Less than 0.1% market share and all the reasons for this soundly trounced by Android and Apple on ARM and M1’s.

      Computing has MANY futures. Examples:

      1. Windows.
      2. Apple OS.
      3. Apple iOS.
      4. Super computers (almost upset by…)
      5. Cloud computing.
      6. Linux as in general use and embedded.
      7. Non-OS systems such as Arduino, others.

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