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  • #2140300

    Windows needs a better multi desktop view.

    by josephinemiguel111 ·


    I use linux as my primary OS for all my home computers and one of the things I love about it is how GNOME and KDE handle multiple virtual desktops. With one button I can access and move my open programs between virtual desktops with ease.

    Now at work I use windows 10 and for the most part I would say I don’t mind it! It pretty fast and fluid and generally handles my work flow well. However where it falls short in a major way is how it handles multiple virtual desktops. I have a dual monitor setup and 3 virtual desktops. There seems to be no good way to move windows between these spaces. Windows tab view makes to scroll between the desktops and then when you move a window takes you out of the overview experience.

    As someone who is constantly moving stuff around it’s just a it tedious. So I’m both curious as to whether there is something I’m missing or if this is just something windows 10 hadn’t ironed out yet.

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