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  • #4265287

    Windows turning Bluetooth on and off without noticing you?


    by Oblivion99 ·

    Dear all

    On one of my laptops, Bluetooth adapter is disabled in Device Manager and Bluetooth turned Off in Windows settings.

    Have you ever experienced:

    Windows doing following, without your knowledge or noticing you:
    Device Manager
    Bluetooth adapter
    Disabled device > enable device > re-disable device

    What scenarios could trigger this?

    How likely is this to happen?

    Windows doing following, without your knowledge or noticing you:
    Windows settings
    Bluetooth Off > Bluetooth On > Bluetooth Off

    What scenarios could trigger this?

    How likely is this to happen?

    Thank you

All Answers

  • Author
    • #4265297
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      Hardware fails a lot.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Windows turning Bluetooth on and off without noticing you?

      When I see such weirdness I swap out the WiFi or BT hardware.

      Yes, some will try updating drivers but my experience is hardware fails too often and is the cheaper fix.

      • #4265398

        Have you ever experienced it?

        by Oblivion99 ·

        In reply to Hardware fails a lot.

        Have you ever experienced, or heard other experience 1 or 4?

        And if yes, what caused it?

        Thank you

        • #4265866
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          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Have you ever experienced it?

          I did the IT thing for my brother’s office for far too long. Because it was my time the PC rescue bag always had some USB bluetooth and WiFi adapters.

        • #4268499

          My questions

          by Oblivion99 ·

          In reply to Yes

          I am note sure, if that was an answer for my questions?

          Have you ever experienced, or heard other experience 1 or 4?

          And if yes, what caused it?

          Thank you

        • #4268523
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          “what caused it?”

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to My questions

          Sorry, I was tasked with finding a fix, not what caused it.

    • #4268537
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      Reply To: Windows turning Bluetooth on and off without noticing you?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Windows turning Bluetooth on and off without noticing you?

      May I ask why you ask this silly question? If you don’t come up with a good reason, I’ll delete the discussion.

      • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • #4268539
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        I’m tempted to delete all of the OPs topics!

        by Wizard57M-TR ·

        In reply to Reply To: Windows turning Bluetooth on and off without noticing you?

        They continue to pose theoretical questions, that often don’t have any basis in real world usage.
        Then when an answer is offered, they just expand the theoretical what ifs, in some sort of mental
        gymnastics that provide no usefulness.

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