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  • #2276462

    Windows Updates – Unable to Disable


    by supz ·

    Hello.I currently go to college and our college wants us to have Automatic Updates enabled, yet we cannot DISABLE them. This has led to many bad things – such as SP2 on many computers with many flaws, as my roomate and i have discovered. We cannot disable these automatic updates. … this is a picture of what comes up when we try to disable them. Any help as to how to regain control of disabling the automatic updates? Please help!!! Thanks so much


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    • #3295688

      Group Policy

      by thechas ·

      In reply to Windows Updates – Unable to Disable

      I suspect that the school’s network administrator has installed a group policy setting to force automatic updates.

      Take it easy on the school’s IT department. They have a very tough job keeping the network and your computers safe from hackers and viruses.

      Most of the problems that have been documented for XP_SP2 are related to older hardware and software packages.

      Make sure that you have any patches offered by the software manufacture installed.

      If I was in charge of the school’s network, I would likely be even more restrictive as to what users are allowed to do with their PCs.

      When you get out into the work-place, you can expect some very restrictive policies to be in place. At many workplaces, users cannot make any changes to the desktop or screen savers.

      My advise, get used to it, and help the IT department do it’s job to keep the network running safely.


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