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  • #2142132

    Wireless nano network??

    by aiwel ·


    Hey guys.

    I have a major problem. I have recently moved to a new appartment and I found out that i have a terrible internet connection. There is only possible to get internet from 4G and the speed is approximate 2 mbit/s.

    And that is too slow for my usage…

    BUT! I know a guy that has 500 mbit internet connection and his house is around 200 meters from my appartment. I have talked to him and he said that he have heard that he can install a wireless nano system to share his internet to me. That sounds awesome in my ears and maybe a solution for my problem.

    There is almost free of sight, not 100% because there is 2 trees in the line. But beside that i can see his house and it should be possible.

    So now I want some help choosing good enough products that could help me out. What do I need for gear?

    What do you think of 2 x Ubiquiti Nano AC5 ( Is this enought?

    Thanks in advice.

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  • Author
    • #2413820

      Nano Station M2

      by 1bn0 ·

      In reply to Wireless nano network??

      What we used for customer installs at the job I just left.

      Basically you set one up as a Wifi access point with its own SSID and then configure the remote as wireless network port back to the originator.

      I believe the rated range is 13 Km but we usually installed for gap of 300 to 700 feet.

      I think the POE power supplies are a separate purchase.

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