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  • #3938006

    With cold start it takes 6 min to start up

    by puup ·

    My desktop,
    comes with Hard Disk and cloned it to SSD.
    Before cloning I completely cleaned up the HDD via TronCsript.
    Both with the HDD and with SSD when cold it boots via Bios and takes about 6 min
    Once warm and on reboot it takes 40 seconds (via Bios)
    Suppose the problem is in the BIOS settings because I found a note marked in red: Warning VGA graphics card is not guranteed to operate normally
    What can I do about it

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    • #3939386
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      Re: long boot

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to With cold start it takes 6 min to start up

      I don’t think the long boot time is related to that message. However, read through to see if there is a solution for that message that works for you without replacing the video card or the motherboard. And once it’s solved you know if it’s related.

      Did you check (and if necessary change) the BIOS battery?

    • #3939380
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      Some computers “train” the timing on cold boot.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to With cold start it takes 6 min to start up

      With a nod to which tells us this is a known message on some motherboards we also know that some boards take a longer boot on cold as the BIOS tests out timing.

      -> You left out key details such as:
      1. Make, model of everything.
      2. If this is a problem that the PC has had since day one or since you did something.

      • #3939377

        Can’t find anything about type or brand anywhere. It is intel pentium E5300

        by puup ·

        In reply to Some computers “train” the timing on cold boot.

        The computer hasn’t always done that, according to my neighbor. She has been using it for 13 years and it has been acting strange since about half a year ago. Maybe something was done wrong, but she wouldn’t know what.

        • #3939376
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          At 13 years old.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Can’t find anything about type or brand anywhere. It is intel pentium E5300

          I would not fix it. As you get, say past 5 years you will find that once in a while “this old PC” will fail totally by doing something you do on other PCs and you are stuck with the “you broke it” problems.

          This PC works but has something annoying but again, 13 years old and still works. I’d stop right here if the search Kees doesn’t fit and give it back with “it’s old, keep using it till it dies.”

          Also, the E5300 is just the CPU. Not enough detail so I’ll share I use SPECCY to get more data to work with so I can research.

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