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  • #2082833

    Word 2000: I type, but to no avail…


    by iphicles ·

    This problem has occurred under Word 97 and 2000. Some users complain that when they open a black page, sometimes their typing won’t show up. I’ve checked the default font formats and it’s black font. Also, once you highlight the line you just typed and change the font to, say, red, you can see it. But the minute you press enter and go to the next line, the previous line disappears again! And you still can’t type on your new line! Is this a glitch or something? My users run on NT 4.0 with SP4.

    Any help would be appreciated!

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    • #3897300

      Word 2000: I type, but to no avail…

      by mad max ·

      In reply to Word 2000: I type, but to no avail…

      The best solution would be to define a new style that has the alternate font colour. There should be an automatic colour adjustment in word but this works really badly. Define a new style under format/style with a light font colour.You can now select the style in the toolbar and it should stay for every line.

    • #3897231

      Word 2000: I type, but to no avail…

      by mcse lee ·

      In reply to Word 2000: I type, but to no avail…

      When you say “black page”, do you mean ‘black’ or ‘blank’? If you’re using an actual black background, then I would suggest creating a template (BLAKPAGE.DOT) with a Font color of white, or whatever is appropriate. If you meant ‘blank’, then try viewing in Page Layout view, and see what you’re really working with. I have seen many users with their font/page set to white/white and not even know it. Checking the font color is not always accurate (it depends on the template, the style, and severalother factors).

    • #3897699

      Word 2000: I type, but to no avail…

      by andy williams ·

      In reply to Word 2000: I type, but to no avail…

      I too suspect a style in the
      To check this do the following:-

      1.Rename the users’ NORMAL.DOT and check there is nothing in the ‘startup’ folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Startup)
      2. Restart Word – It will create a default

      🙂 If the problem has gone (as I suspect) then it was caused by a style in the or file in startup.

      🙁 If it is not this then I am lost!

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