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  • #2141589

    Work environment

    by leopold125 ·

    Do I have any hope if my boss asked to hold off a task till his go ahead after I have made a mistake?

    I am very concerned over my work as I am making many mistakes due to several reasons.

    Does this mean lack of trust? I am almost afraid to go back to work after this. And my frustration is increasing

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    • #2415195
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      It all comes down to intent.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Work environment

      I know of few creative jobs where we are free of mistakes. So it comes down to our intent or maybe the employee is “out of their depth.”

      At places I’ve worked some programmers had overstated their skills and they could never complete a project. Or the programmer had not learned to work on a team. If I get stuck I get with the team to work out ideas to overcome the problem.

      However in school, teamwork in the programming field appears to be de-emphasized.

      -> In short, mistakes in creative work is part of the process. We don’t stop for long at each mistake or rather ATTEMPT.

    • #2415194
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      Re: work environment

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Work environment

      If you’re unsure of your work and how your boss thinks about you, it’s best to contact HR to search for a solution together (they, you and your boss).

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