
  • Creator
  • #2143079

    X or XR?

    by nancyvinci92 ·


    Currently I have an i6s with me. I am looking forward to buying a new one soon. But I can’t decide between iphone X and XR. What are your suggestions on the matter.

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All Answers

  • Author
    • #2419247

      Mobile suggestion

      by sanjeevkalshan9910 ·

      In reply to X or XR?

      You should go for XR as its design is perfect and easy to handle and this also in budget.

    • #2418439


      by sadiqrehan1512 ·

      In reply to X or XR?

      Hey, look like you are confused between X or XR?
      Recently I was using iPhone XR but now I have switched to the iPhone 11.
      In my opinion camera of XR is amazing and you can use the dual sim in it and it is cheaper than the iPhone x.
      According to my personal experience, I would recommend you to buy iPhone XR.

    • #2418438

      Suggestion about I phone

      by jhask564 ·

      In reply to X or XR?

      According to my use of the experience, I phone X is better than XR.

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