
  • Creator
  • #2141898

    YouTube sound

    by ronaldochieng ·

    How can fix I fix YouTube output sound quality on my phone?

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All Answers

  • Author
    • #2419429

      Youtube sounds

      by jens deferme ·

      In reply to YouTube sound

      The easiest way is to do it on Your computer.

      Best regards

      Jens DEFERME

    • #2416377

      youtube sound quality

      by sadiqrehan1512 ·

      In reply to YouTube sound

      Hey, in which resolution you are watching youtube videos? Because Youtube decreases the sound quality below 480p. Above 480p, sound quality is good.

    • #2416475

      you need audacity

      by ellosdouglasturci ·

      In reply to YouTube sound

      Maybe you need to use audacity, so tha way is download your video next you open file in audacity and you can enhance sound with multiple options, Regards

    • #2414682

      Facing Same Problem

      by alexa114 ·

      In reply to YouTube sound

      I am facing issues while watching movies on the showbo x app. Can anyone guide me?

      Note: URL disabled so this is not spam.

      • #2414680
        Avatar photo

        Re: issues

        by kees_b ·

        In reply to Facing Same Problem

        A few remarks:
        – Since you’re posting in thread about sound quality in Youtube, what have your issues to do with that?
        – For issues with an apk you have the contact the author of the apk – it’s unsupported by everyone else.
        – Do you have the same issues with the official version, or is it only with this unofficial one?

    • #2417175

      YouTube Sound Quality

      by jenniemiller ·

      In reply to YouTube sound

      1. In the YouTube Music app, tap on your profile picture.
      2. Select Settings.
      3. Tap Playback & restrictions.
      4. Tap Audio quality on mobile network.
      5. Select one of the available options: ​Low. Uses least data. Upper bound of 48kbps AAC. Normal. Default setting. Upper bound of 128kbps AAC. High.

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