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  • #2341422

    Yy computer has been completely taken over by an anonymous individual


    by doorethea ·


    Please tell me what is happening to my computer. I am writing a book, I am on the 2nd draft. About a week ago, I discovered my Open Office seemed to have a mind of it’s own. Soon I realized even without the use of the internet, some one has as much control over the entire laptop. Now here’s the scarier part, in order, for whoever is doing this, to continue on with the spying and manipulating of my files, they must redo something every few days or hours to the computer physically. Stranger than that, after whatever they have put into my computer without actually touching it, my laptop gets noticeably heavier. That’s how I discovered it in the 1st place. My manuscript for my book is being stolen every time I work on it. Can you please tell me what is happening to my computer and how can I prevent it from happening again?

    ps: today I tried to complete a transaction in my PayPal account, they redirected me out of the webpage I needed to get to, five times.

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