Bizarre iPhone emoji and how to use them: The top 12 for IT pros
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Baffling iPhone emoji and how to use them in IT: The top 10
We don’t know why they’re there, but that didn’t stop us for coming up with some ways to use them.
Emoji: Pager
Interpretation: Outdated tech is always funny. Unless you have to use it.
Emoji: Ladybug
Interpretation: Here’s an entry from the animal kingdom that you can find on your iPhone in case what has to be expressed requires six legs.
Emoji: Anger symbol
Interpretation: This could be the logo for some new software company, but it’s supposed to be a vein bulging in anger… which is surely an emotion no one has ever felt in the technology industry.
Emoji: Face massage
Interpretation: We’ve all had those days. After hours of staring at a computer screen, who wouldn’t want someone else’s hands all over their face easing the tension?
Emoji: Pig snout
Interpretation: When an emoji of a whole pig will not do, you have the option of using just a snout.
Emoji: Hot springs
Interpretation: If you ever need steam coming off a hot liquid, there’s an emoji for that.
Emoji: Dancing twins
Interpretation: We’d like to think this has something to do with Beyoncu00e9 and her single ladies, but that wouldn’t really explain the ears (horns?) coming out of these dancing girls’ heads. Emoji best practices seem to okay with this one for a moment of jubilance or if you and someone else are sharing a wavelength at the moment.
Emoji: Money with wings
Interpretation: Looks like this stack of cash met a bad fate. Hopefully, it’s going to a better place, like that great big bank in the sky.
Emoji: Bath
Interpretation: Apple offers multiple bathroom emoji, including this one of a guy actually in the tub. Unfortunately, there’s no rubber duck to go with it.
Emoji: Bamboo
Interpretation: Bamboo is supposed to be lucky.You’ll be lucky if you ever really need to illustrate the word with an emoji.
Emoji: Dash
Interpretation: For whenever you’ve got to split, leave nothing behind but a cloud of dust.
Emoji: Name tag
Interpretation: No idea which conferences Apple’s emoji designers go to. Maybe a master gardeners’ meet up? Classic video game convention?
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