Catch your mistakes with the help of these five proofreading apps
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Catch your mistakes with the help of these five proofreading apps
I’ve written a lot over the years. In fact, between techrnarticles and fiction, I write more than five thousand words a day. For myrnfiction, I depend upon beta readers, editors, and proofers to see what Irncannot. For everything else, I depend upon proofreading tools. You’d bernsurprised just how many apps and services exist for that very purpose. Butrnwhich tools are right for the job?
I’m going to outline my five favorite proofing tools. Out ofrnthat list, you should find one or two to integrate into your process. With thernhelp of these tools, your marketing material, correspondence, and business communicationsrnwill be far more professional.
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Google Docs Consistency Checker
Using this tool is one of the fastest ways to ensure a levelrnof consistency throughout your documents. Install Consistency Checker in thernsame way you install any Google Docs add-on. Once it’s installed (and with yourrndocument open), go to Add-ons, click Consistency Checker | Open, and then clickrnScan (when prompted). You can then go through the various checks by clickingrnNext after each pass is complete.
One nice feature is that yournwill be informed of how many contractions your document contains. Consistency Checkerrnwill then remind you to change those, if you’re writing a formal document.rnConsistency checker is an extension of the Intelligent Editing online service and isrnfree.
This approach may be less than ideal, so if you have a Kindle Reader, you might want to upload version of your document and have it read aloud. (Converting to .mobi isrnsimple using Calibre.)
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