Combine the power of Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010
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Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Office button
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Office button
ntIn a guest post, a TechRepublic member provided steps for uncovering a ton of Easter eggs by combining Microsoft Office 2007 with 2010. Here are the screenshots that walk you through the installation procedure. Be sure to read the post for the entire step-by-step process.
ntAfter you’ve installed Microsoft Office 2007, you must install the Creative Commons Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA). In order for this to work, you must open Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 in Trust Settings (Word must be opened first). Begin by clicking the Office button.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Word Options
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Word Options
ntSelect Word Options.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Trust Center Settings
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Trust Center Settings
Select Trust Center and then Trust Center Settings.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Macro Settings
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Macro Settings
ntIn the Macro Settings section, make sure that u201cDisable all macros except digitally signed macrosu201d and u201cTrust access to the VBA project object modelu201d are selected.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - ActiveX Settings
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - ActiveX Settings
ntIn the ActiveX Settings section, make sure that u201cPrompt me before enabling all controls with minimal restrictionsu201d and u201cSafe mode (helps limit the control’s access to your computer)u201d are selected [Note: The u201cSafe modeu201d is equivalent Office 2010’s Data Execution Prevention (DEP) mode, and it’s imperative that both are enabled, otherwise the goodies, eggs, and features won’t function properly between Office 2007 and 2010.]

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Add-ins
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Add-ins
ntIn the Add-ins section, select u201cRequire Application Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisheru201d [Note: This step is not required, but it’s strongly recommended so that certificates are valid (not expired) and recognized from reputable sources.]

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Message Bar
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Message Bar
ntIn the Message Bar section, select u201cNever show information about blocked contentu201d and make sure that u201cEnable Trust Center loggingu201d at the bottom is NOT selected. Logging has to remain unchecked for Office 2007 and 2010 to work together.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Privacy Options
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2007 - Privacy Options
In the Privacy Options section, check everything under Privacy Options, plus u201cStore random numbers to improve Combine accuracyu201d and u201cMake hidden markup visible when opening or savingu201d under Document-specific settings. You can select the Translation Options and Research Options accordingly to your own preferences.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Options
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Options
ntAfter you’ve installed Microsoft Office 2010 (using the instructions listed in the blog post), it’s time to install the “Creative Commons for 2010” PIA, which requires specific Trust Settings. Starting with Word, select Options.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Trust Center
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Trust Center
Select Trust Center.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Trust Center Settings
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Trust Center Settings
ntSelect Trust Center Settings.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Default File Block Settings
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Default File Block Settings
ntHere are the default File Block Settings.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - File Block Settings
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - File Block Settings
ntClear all of the boxes in File Block Settings except for the very last option u201cOpen selected file types in Protected View and allow editing.u201d Click Ok, and then go back to Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Protected View
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Protected View
In the Protected View section, make sure that everything is selected.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Macro Settings
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Macro Settings
In Macro Settings, u201cDisable all macros except digitally signed macrosu201d and u201cTrust access to the VBA project object modelu201d must be selected in order for Office 2007 and 2010 to work together.

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - ActiveX Settings
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - ActiveX Settings
In ActiveX Settings, select u201cPrompt me before enabling all controls with minimal restrictionsu201d and u201cSafe mode (helps limit the control’s access to your computer.u201d

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Add-ins
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Add-ins
In the Add-ins sections, select u201cRequire Application Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher.u201d

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Trusted Documents
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Trusted Documents
In Trusted Documents, select u201cAllow documents on a network to be trusted.u201d

Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Privacy Options
Trust Settings for Microsoft Office 2010 - Privacy Options
ntIn Privacy Options, make sure that everything is selected under the Privacy Options heading, plus u201cStore random numbers to improve Combine accuracyu201d and u201cMake hidden markup visible when opening or savingu201d is selected under Document-specific settings (Excel and PPT are slightly varied, but you will catch on easily).
Microsoft Office Add-ins
ntAdd-ins create some new Program files of their own, which can be confusing to a user. All the ones I highlighted in the accompaniment image are Add-ins, including the “Microsoft Creative Commons Add-in” (PIA for Office 2007) and “Microsoft Research” (Creative Commons PIA Add-in for 2010). So, why have three Microsoft Math Add-ins? The first Add-in for Word 2007 is actually the old original version, the Microsoft Mathematics and Mathematics Add-in is 3.0, and the newest one is 4.0.

Lengthy configuration time when combining Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010
Lengthy configuration time when combining Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010
It takes time to install Creative Commons into Word, Excel, and PPT u2013 especially in Office 2010, because it configures both 2007 and 2010 together.
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