Screenshots: Expand Outlook functionality with the help of these five add-ins
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Microsoft has spent a great deal of time andrnresources trying to improve the Outlook interface, but the app could still use somernhelp when it comes to ease-of-use features. This gallery offers a look at several add-ins that couldrnimprove your daily interaction with the Outlook email client.
If you are a subscriber to Office 365, these add-ins will be installed into both the desktop version and the online versionrnof the application. You need to install only once and let synchronization takernits course,.
To see a complete list of all the available add-ins,rnlog in to Office 365 online and then click or tap the Office Store tile. Yourncan also get to the Office Store from the Desktop version of Outlook (it’s inrnthe Ribbon), but that access path is not nearly as interactive as the browserrnversion.
Note: This gallery is also available as an article.
Bing Nearby
Just click the Bing Nearby icon while you arerncomposing a new message or creating a meeting on the calendar and you will see arndialog box in the right-hand pane. Type in an address or the name of arnrestaurant and the app will give you location choices. Click one of thosernchoices and the pertinent location information will be attached to the messagernor calendar entry automatically.
Bing Nearby is free and is produced by Microsoftrnas a supplement for Outlook.
FindTime will create a polling email for you tornsend to all potential meeting attendees. You can propose a meeting time orrnseveral times and the attendees can vote on which times they prefer. FindTimernwill compile the results and determine a time that the majority of attendeesrnprefer. Problem solved and morale boosted.
FindTimernwas developed by a team at Microsoft and is a free add-in for Outlook. Thernservice does require that you register an account the first time you use it.
IXD Secure Mail
Collaboration with team members about a project is all wellrnand good, but sometimes you need to email sensitive documents that shouldrnremain confidential between the parties involved. This is where an encryptionrnadd-in for Outlook can come in handy.
IXD SecurernMail adds an extra level of encryption to an email and/or attachment to anrnemail all within the Outlook interface. It does this by storing those documentsrnin an encrypted form on a cloud-based server and coordinating access based onrnthe information you provide.
The recipient will receive access credentials but not therndocuments themselves. They will have access to the encrypted documents for arnshort period of time before the service deletes them for security’s sake.
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