Five Apps: Android-based invoicing tools
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Invoice2Go running on the Verizon-branded Samsung Galaxy Tab
Invoice2Go running on the Verizon-branded Samsung Galaxy Tab
Thisrngallery is also available as a TechRepublic article.
If you and your business are always on the go, you probablyrncould benefit from an app that enables you to immediately invoice your clients.rnToo many mobile businesses rely on paper, email, or other non-task-specificrnapps or tools to invoice clients. Not only is that unprofessional, it’srninefficient and a good way to forget or lose client billing information. If yournhave an Android tablet or smartphone, you could easily install an app designedrnspecifically for this task and get your invoicing up to modern-day standards.
rnrnIf yourndo a search for “invoice” on the Google PlayrnStore, you’ll come up with quite a number of hits. Out of those hitsrnI have weeded out which of those I believe are best suited to help smallrnbusiness users take work on the go without missing a single bill. Let’s examinernthese top five apps.
Five apps
1. Invoice2Go
Invoice2Go is probably my top choice is this particular list because it’s not only a full featured invoice tool, it also has one of the better interfaces to help make the process of billing highly intuitive (Figure A).
Credit: Image by Jack Wallen for TechRepublic
Creating an invoice with Invoice2Go
The feature list includes: Create invoices (Figure B), estimates, credit, memos, and purchase orders; over twenty invoice templates; supports products and services; include PayPal buttons for quick payment; keep track of outstanding bills; invoice preview; email as PDF, create estimates and quotes; convert estimates/quotes into invoices; inventory; auto tax calculations and configurations; twelve drill-down reports; and more.
Within the product you can also add on apps for Calendaring, barcode scanning, maps, document signing, and account statements. Invoice2Go does require an account and you can sign up for the unlimited free trial. However, once you’ve created your first three documents, you will have to upgrade from the free trial. The Starter plan is $49.00 per year and allows you to create 100 documents. The app is $9.99 or you can try the free version which limits you to the number of documents and items you can create.
Credit: Image by JackrnWallen for TechRepublic
The Zoho Invoice main interface
2. Zoho Invoice and Time Tracking
Zoho Invoice and Time Tracking requires you have a Zoho account u2013 but if you’re already using the powerhouse groupware tool, Zoho Invoice makes for a perfect extension. With this app you can use ready to use templates, categorize expenses, accept online payments, track time, print and download invoices, track payment status, and much more. The Zoho Invoice tool is integrated with Google Apps for more power and flexibility. The interface for Zoho Invoice is clean (almost minimal u2013 Figure C) and gives you quick access to creating a new invoice/contact/estimate, record expense, and add time entry.
Credit: Image by JackrnWallen for TechRepublic
Adding payment terms for invoices
You can also set payment terms, auto-generate invoicernnumbers, add notes and terms/conditions to invoices (Figure D).
rnrnThernapp is free, but you will have to subscribe to Zoho with paid plans starting atrn$15/month.
Credit: Image by Jack Wallen for TechRepublic
On the go invoicing
3. Invoice Control
rnrnInvoicernControl is a much more basic app, but for those needing the bare minimumrn(at no cost), Invoice Control is for you. It is a free, ad-based app (FigurernE) that can function for anyone needing simple, on the go invoicing.
Credit: Image by JackrnWallen for TechRepublic
Creating an invoice with Invoice Control
One nice feature of Invoice Control is that it is arnmulti-user environment u2013 so you can have more than one employee use the tool.rnThe app also features: Invoice creation (Figure F) customer management,rnproduct/inventory control, quote generation in PDF format, generation partialrninvoices, include company logo, choose color of invoice header, import datarnfrom spreadsheets, backup data, send invoices through Whatsapprnor Line,rnsave invoices into Dropbox account, scan barcodes, mark invoices as sent orrnpaid.
rnrnYourncan also integrate Invoice Control with ControlrnExpenses (by the same company) to help track spending.
Credit: Image by Jack Wallen for TechRepublic
The Invoice Maker main window
4. Invoice Maker Pro
rnrnInvoicernMaker Pro is another bare-bones, but effective invoicing tool. With an easyrnto use interface (Figure G)that offers little to no learningrncurve, you can have Invoice Maker Pro up and running with little time and zerorncost.
Credit: Image by JackrnWallen for TechRepublic
Creating a new client with Invoice Maker Pro
You do not have to sign up for any plans and thernapp is free. The feature list of Invoice Maker Pro includes: Preview invoicesrndirectly from device, email invoices as attachments, auto-calculate sales tax,rntrack invoice payments, view clients unpaid balance, customize PDF with companyrnlogo, assign unique codes to each client (Figure H), auto backup ofrninvoices, generate invoices as estimates, support for over one hundredrncurrencies, and more.
Credit: Image by JackrnWallen for TechRepublic
The Street Invoice Beta main window
5. Street Invoice Beta
rnrnStreet InvoicernBeta is, as the name implies, currently in beta. Even so, the applicationrnis solid and powerful. During the beta testing period, the app is free to use,rnwhich allows you to see just how much invoicing power you can have in yourrnhands. Street Invoice Beta features: Invoice/bill on the spot, include PayPalrnlink with invoice, create preview estimates, pull customer contact informationrnfrom phone or tablet, email printed invoices/statements/receipts, printrninvoices on the go, wireless sync across all mobile and desktop devices, livernback office reporting, and much more. With a clean interface (Figure I),rnyou can quickly navigate through all the functions of the app.
Credit: Image by JackrnWallen for TechRepublic
Making use of the multi-company feature
One of best features of Street Invoice Beta is the abilityrnto use it for multiple companies. Simply create as many companies as you needrnand then select which company to apply an invoice to in the Invoice Options (FigurernJ).
Bottom line
rnrnIf you’rernlooking to take your small business on the go, fear not, there are plenty ofrnapps to help you easily meet this challenge. To ensure invoicing and billing isrnefficient and accountable, give one of these Android apps a go u2013 your clients andrnyour company will thank you for it.
Credit: Image by JackrnWallen for TechRepublic
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