Five apps for managing your Gmail Contacts
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Five apps for managing your Gmail Contacts
If you’re a heavy user of Google Apps, you know that thernGoogle Contacts Manager isn’t the greatest tool in an otherwise outstandingrntoolbox. In fact, the contact manager trapped within Google Docs is so bad, Irnuse it only as a Gmail address book. How this has been overlooked for so longrnescapes me — considering how the business landscape lives and dies by itsrncontacts. Finding third-party contact managers for Google Contacts isn’t easy.rnBut between Android and web-based apps/services, I have come up with a solidrnlist of five contact managers that work with Google Contacts to bring a bit ofrnpower and flexibility to a rather weak entry.
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FullContact, previously called RainMaker, is a web service (currently in beta)rnthat automatically collects your Gmail Contacts. It features a unified contactrnmanager, so you can import contacts from other lists/apps, too. The FullContactrninterface is simple to use and allows you to tag, add notes, edit, and enter informationrn(organization, title, address, phone, etc.). You can also add multiple addressrnbooks and import business cards.
From within the Settings, you can enrich your contacts.rnFullContact will pull in publicly available information about a client andrnautomatically add it to the contact. There are two versions of FullContact:rnFree and Premium. The Premium edition will set you back $9.99 per month (orrn$99.00 per year). It will hold up to 25K contacts, allows you to import 100rnbusiness cards per month, and offers real time syncing of contacts.
Google Contacts
One caveat: You must add the Gmail Account tornThunderbird for it to work properly (otherwise, you just view the GmailrnContacts page in a tab within Thunderbird). The app is free and isrnfound/installed in the Thunderbirds Add-ons Manager.
Contacts Ultra
ContactsrnUltra features easy navigation, access to all contact info from the contactrnpicture, the ability to sort contacts by name or conversation and to add/editrncontacts, an option to enable/disable sync, a homescreen widget, and more. Thernapp is free and includes ads. You can dismiss the ads with the in-app purchasern($0.99).
Zoho ContactManager
ZohornContactManager is geared toward helping you get business done rather than justrnkeeping a digital Rolodex. Zoho ContactManager is $25/month for up to fivernusers.
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