Five Apps: Make better PowerPoint presentations
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Five utilities for a better PowerPoint
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PowerPoint may be one of the most popular businessrnapplications of all time. As is the case with any widely popular application,rnan entire cottage industry has been built around providing add-ons and otherrnutilities for PowerPoint.rnThis article discusses five such utilities.
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Tabs for PowerPoint 1
Five Apps
1. Tabs for PowerPoint
Tabsrnfor PowerPoint is an extremely useful utility that gives you tabbed accessrnto PowerPoint presentations. The reason why this is so helpful is because olderrnversions of PowerPoint only allow one presentation to be open at a time.rnPowerPoint 2013 will allow you to open multiple presentations, but eachrnpresentation opens in a separate window. Tabs for PowerPoint supportsrnPowerPoint 2003-2013 and allows the use of tabs in a manner similar to Excel.
Tabs for PowerPoint sells for $19.00, but a free trialrnversion is available for download.
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Tabs for PowerPoint 2
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Tabs for PowerPoint 3
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
PowerPoint Slide Show Converter 1
2. PowerPoint Slide Show Converter
PowerPointrnSlide Show Converter is a utility that converts a PowerPoint presentationrninto an automated slide show. The program uses a very simple interface andrnoperates in either Simple Mode or Special Mode.
Simple Mode merely asks for a source file and an output filernname, but also provides a check box that can be used to create an autorun filernfor a CD or DVD. Special Mode lets you set the timing on the slide transitionrnor wait for a mouse click. You can also specify a transition effect or choosernwhether you want to optimize the presentation for text or images.
rnrnPowerPoint Slide ShowrnConverter sells for $49.00, but a free trial version is available for download.
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
PowerPoint Slide Show Converter 2
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
PowerPoint Slide Show Converter 3
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Recovery for PowerPoint 1
3. Recovery for PowerPoint
Recoveryrnfor PowerPoint is a utility that is designed to repair corrupt PowerPointrnpresentations. The utility supports PowerPoint 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, andrn2010 and works with the PPT, PPS, and PPTX file formats.
Recovery for PowerPoint uses a very simple interface thatrnwalks you through the recovery process by prompting you for information such asrnthe corrupt file and the recovery location. Over all, the utility is intuitivernand easy to use.
Recovery for PowerPoint sells for $199.00, but a free trialrnversion is available.
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Recovery for PowerPoint 2
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Recovery for PowerPoint 3
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Recovery for PowerPoint 4
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Recovery for PowerPoint 5
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Batch PPTX to PPT Converter 1
4. Batch PPTX to PPT Converter
BatchrnPPTX to PPT Converter is a utility for performing bulk conversions of PPTXrnfiles to the older PPT format. This allows the presentations to be opened usingrnolder versions of PowerPoint.
The utility seems to work well. The interface is intuitive,rnand it only takes a few seconds for a conversion to complete. The down side tornthis utility is that it requires PowerPoint in order to work. The utilityrnforces PowerPoint to open the document and then save it in a legacy format.rnThis could just as easily be done manually if only a few documents need to bernconverted. However, the utility may be worthwhile if large numbers of documentsrnrequire conversion.
rnrnBatch PPTX to PPT Converterrnsells for $149.90, but a free trial is available for download.
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Batch PPTX to PPT Converter 2
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Batch PPTX to PPT Converter 3
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Mix-FX Flash Text Effects 1
5. Mix-FX Flash Text Effects
Mix-FXrnFlash Text Effects is a utility for creating flash based text effects.rnAlthough this utility can be used for Web development and other non-PowerPointrnuses, the documentation provides instructions for including your text effectsrnin a PowerPoint document. Unfortunately however, the ability to save textrneffects in the manner required to import them into PowerPoint seems to berndisabled in the trial version.
The Mix-FX utility is easy to use and includes a widernvariety of animated text effects that you can apply to any of your fonts.
rnrnMix-FX Flash Text Effectsrnsells for $27.00, but a limited free trial is available for download.
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Mix-FX Flash Text Effects 2
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Mix-FX Flash Text Effects 3
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
Mix-FX Flash Text Effects 4
Credit: Images byrnBrien Posey for TechRepublic
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