Five free apps for creating diagrams in your browser
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Five free apps for creating diagrams in your browser
Five free apps for creating diagrams in your browser
Creating great-looking, eye-catching diagrams isrna fairly simple task these days, thanks to all the software available on thernmarket. However, most of these packages carry a price tag.
Luckily, several free diagramming apps are available, and you don’t even needrnto download anything. Here are five free, web-based tools you can use to create different types of diagrams.
Note: This gallery is also available as an article.
Depending on your situation, ASCII Flow may not be the choicernfor you, but it does fit a nice niche market. Instead of the fancy, graphicalrndisplays of most diagramming tools, ASCII Flow uses ASCII characters to drawrnthe elements of the flowchart.
Draw.IO also contains various specialty shapes for mocking up mobile device interfaces, laying out Cisco or other network hardware designs, and doing electronic schematics.
yUML’s customization options allowrnyou to change the direction of the diagram — left-to-right, top-to-bottom, orrnright-to-left — and the size, from tiny to huge.