Five page layout tools that won’t break your budget
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There are plenty of reasons to have page layout software at thernready. Your business will need professional correspondence, marketingrnmaterials, flyers, and much more. But for some businesses, dropping the cashrnfor a page layout app isn’t feasible. Fortunately, for those needing affordablernsolutions, there are plenty of page layout tools to choose from. I haverngathered five such tools that should meet the needs for most users. With them,rnyou’ll be creating high-quality color pages that will help bring your businessrna professional look with ease. Let’s examine these low-cost tools and see ifrnone or two of them will meet your needs.
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Scribus is the de facto standardrnfor desktop publishing in the open source community. This amazing piece ofrnsoftware features everything you’ll need to create incredible pages. In fact,rneven some publishing houses are putting Scribus to good use. Why? Because ofrnfeatures like color separations, CMYK and spot colors, ICC color management, andrnversatile PDF creation.
Lucidpressrnis both a web-based page layout tool and a Chromebook app. It’s arnfree service, and when you use it on the Chromebook, you can seamlesslyrnintegrate it with Google Drive. However, the free version does have itsrnlimitations. For example, you’re limited to 25MB storage space, you can’trnaccess the premium template library, and there’s no revision history or localrnbackups. You can upgrade to the Basic account (for $7.95/month) and add thosernfeatures to your account.
Lucidpress includes templates for creating newslettersrn(paper or digital), brochures, annual reports, flyers, and pamphlets. You’llrnalso find collaboration features, such as document sharing and real-time chat.rnLucidpress can be used to create printed or digital campaigns for marketing –rnso it’s more than just your average page layout tool.
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