Image gallery: Cluttered workspaces
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TR member desk with a lot of screens
Cluttered? I don’t know. The person who submitted this photo is much too hard on himself. You can still see the desk surface here.
TR member workspace with a lot of chairs
The haphazard placement of the papers on the bulletin board is a nice touch, but I’ve seen more cluttered workspaces.
The smallest cluttered workspace
The hard drive seated on the folding chair gets a thumbs up from the committee!
Workspace with exposed hardware
Exposed hardware always brings its own special kind of cluttery feel.
vroom vroom!
Might as well throw all your stuff on that desk.
vroom vroom #2
A different view of this office space shows a potential electrical hazard and made us ask–where does he put his legs?
I've seen worse
Really? Even the papers are lined up. To the TechRepublic member who submitted this–don’t be so hard on yourself. Wait til you get to image number 20.
Watch for falling objects
Notice how the middle shelf is bending precariously under the weight of the books. Wear a hard hat!
Drawers that will no longer close
Now THAT’s what I’m talking about! Oh wait, I think I see Jimmy Hoffa in there.
The desk of a productive employee
Computer in front of a computer? That’s what I call multi-tasking.
Desktop with apps galore
What a pretty flower—are those bees?
Organized clutter
Cluttered but with a handy little path dug out to the keyboard.
Everything goes here
Notice how every desk item (speakers,monitor base) provides a surface for other items.
Workspace or storage space?
Does anyone really work here?
Wires, we've got your wires
OK, where does the person go?
Buried alive
I bet if you looked at the bottom of that heap, you’d find the lost ark.
The old computer lounge
Can I just tell you how much I love this picture? Is that a recliner or a car seat behind the monitor in the forefront?
The Mount Everest of books
I’m loving the precarious stack o’ books on the left. I wouldn’t make any sudden moves or sneeze or anything.
You can come in but you cannot leave
The folder-impaired desktop
If you could show my brain as a desktop, this is what it would look like.
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