Maximize productivity on your Apple device: Five go-to business apps
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Maximize productivity on your Apple device: Five go-to business apps
Maximize productivity on your Apple device: Five go-to business apps
Apple iPhones, iPads, and Macs are capable devices right outrnof the box. But if you add a handful of business applications, the devicesrnquickly become powerful productivity tools. Here are the five best businessrnapps professionals should ensure are loaded and configured on all new iOS andrnOS X devices.
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iWork suite
Attractive templates are included, making it easier torndesign winning reports, letters, resumes, charts, spreadsheets, slideshows, andrnsimilar material. And Apple’s integrated iCloud service simplifies sharingrndocuments, spreadsheets, and presentations between multiple devices, includingrniPhones, iPads, and Macs.
When you need to draft a sensitive email, write arncomplicated memo, prepare report text, or record notes and similar information,rnyou can turn to WriteRoom as an inexpensive ($9.99) method of blockingrndistractions and focusing on the task at hand. Whereas other word processingrnand note-taking applications can be frustrating and unwieldy due to thernhundreds of additional, often superfluous features (such as equation editing,rnmail merge operation, and table of contents and footnote creation), WriteRoomrntackles the basics well.
Scapple lets you change note shapes, font colors, andrnbackgrounds. Using a handy right-click menu, you can add or edit arrows tornindicate the relationship between items and elements. Anytime you’re strugglingrnto understand or refine a process, hierarchy, or complex relationships, Scapplernis a handy tool for recording thoughts and ideas and making easily reversedrnchanges — a critical action when performing brainstorming activities.
Word processing programs, spreadsheet applications, andrnslideshow software are essential tools in business — but professionals often needrnto create organizational charts, diagrams, wireframes, and workflows, too.rnCommon business applications don’t lend themselves well to such tasks. That’srnwhere OmniGraffle comes into play. The graphic document program is a powerful tool forrncreating arresting diagrams and workflows.
Many users are stuck in a rut with the linear document,rnspreadsheet, and presentation programs they’re used to. Using the graphicrncapabilities of a tool such as OmniGraffle can help them develop more free-formrnthinking. Roger von Oech, in hisrnseminal book A Whack on the Side of the Head,rnnoted the importance of breaking out of mental blocks. OmniGraffle providesrnbusiness professionals with a tool for doing just that.

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