NetBrute network security scanner screenshots
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NetBrute on an individual PC
Test network security with the NetBrute Scanner suite. In this The Right Tool for the Job? blog post, Joshua Hoskins explains how NetBrute, PortScan, and WebBrute can help you find holes in your firewall, locate open ports, detect File & Print Sharing resources, and test password strength on Web directories protected with HTTP authentication. Here are several screenshots of NetBrute, PortScan, and WebBrute in action.
This screenshot shows a NetBrute scan for a single computer. Just enter the computer’s name to scan it. You can also scan for Disk or Print shares.
Submitted by Joshua Hoskins
NetBrute on an IP range
This screenshot shows the shares of individual computers. You can clearly see what is shared on each computer. You will only see hidden shares if you have permissions to access them.
Net Brute results
This screenshot shows the results of running the NetBrute scan on a group of IP’s. You can drill down on each IP address shown in the right pane to see exactly what is shared.
PortScan on individual PC
Here is the result of a port scan on an individual computer. You can see what ports are open in the left pane. Also notice that the list is on 0 which is all of the ports in the list.
PortScan on an IP range
Here are the results of a port scan done on a range of IP addresses. The results in the left pane are sorted in order of port number, not in order of IP address.
This is the WebBrute brute force Web site cracker. Enter the site you want to crack in the top right box. You can then browse to your username and password files. You can also create the username and password files yourself. Just create a txt document with a username or password on each line.
WebBrute site creation
The first step you need to run in WebBrute is the Create step. This gathers the information necessary to continue your operations.
WebBrute verification
Verification is the 2nd step in the WebBrute process. This step gathers information about the type Web server you are connecting to and what is running on that website.
WebBrute results
This screenshot shows the results of running a WebBrute attack. You will notice in the bottom left pane there is the username/password combination that worked (The password is blanked out in this image). You can have the scan cancel after the first match, or you can continue through your entire list.

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