New student tools hit Office 2007
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Article Authoring Add-in
Every journal will have its own style of authoring. This screen allows you to pick out specific keywords or groups of keywords in your article.
Article Authoring Add-in
As you can see, the add-in makes it easy to add any section you may need, for any article you may wish to write. This ultimately makes it easy for entering into the repository at your university or publisher.
Article Authoring Add-in
With a quick check in the settings of the add-in, you can apply the Notes Panel. This panel allows you to add notes to the front and back of your article.
Article Authoring Add-in
Even though this add-in is at RC1 (Release Candidate 1) stage, there are still a few updates in the works which will make the software faster, better working and will have all the bugs ironed out of.
Creative Commons Add-in
There we go – a Creative Commons licence created very simply and applied to my document. This now makes it clear to anyone reading it what they can and can’t do with my work.
Basically nothing. 🙂