Screenshots: Five apps to help you waste a little time
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Let’s face it, not every second of every day is spent doingrnsomething productive. Once in awhile you simply have to kill some time. Whetherrnyou’re waiting for an interview, a meeting, or a bus, you have the perfect opportunityrnto spin down your work brain and enjoy a moment of mindless entertainment.
As you might expect, it’s incredibly easy to kill a stretchrnof time when you have a smartphone in front of you. In fact, the time you windrnup wasting could begin to seep into the actual time devoted to beingrnproductive… so be careful, lest your day end up passing by before you get arnsingle thing done.
Which apps should you consider when you need to kill a bitrnof time? You could just plug in any number of games, but I want to go beyondrngames (though I’ll include at least one) and look at other categories. I won’trnbother with the obvious (such as Facebook and Twitter). With that said, let’srndive in and waste some time.
Note: This gallery is also available as an article.
The base app will set you back $4.98 USD and you canrnpurchase expansion sets, characters, and more. Nomad Games are always bringingrnout new additions to the base set, but you’ll be hard-pressed to ever growrnbored with the original. If you’re looking for a game that could easily suckrnaway minutes and hours from your day, Talisman is what you’re looking for.
When those you follow go live, you get a notificationrnthat’ll take you right to their broadcast. You probably won’t be surprised byrnthe level of mundaneness you’ll find on Periscope. But every so often, you’llrncome across a real gem that will captivate you and preoccupy you just longrnenough. Periscope is free to install and to use.
Podcast & Radio Addict
The Podcast & Radio Addict app is free, but itrndoes also have a donate app that allows you to donate $2.99 tornthe developers. (The donate app does not unlock any features.)
This or That
This Or That does a splendid job of helping you kill timernand will likely make you smile all the while. This Or That is free to installrnand use.
How to Make Paper Airplanes
This app walks through through the process of folding various airplanes with easy-to-follow, 3D-ish animated images. This app ensures that nearly anyone can fold an airplane that will either fly or look really cool sitting on your desk. The app isn’t updated often, but mastering the included 16 planes will kill plenty of time. The app is free to install and use.
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