Screenshots: Get your business off the ground with the help of these five apps
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Starting a new business is challenging, but technology can makernthis daunting process just a little bit easier. The internet is filled withrnapps to help entrepreneurs get their new business up and running. Here are arnfew helpful tools to check out.
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Small Business Inventory Control Pro
Small Business Inventory Control Pro
A couple of the tool’s more notable features are its abilityrnto create purchase orders and invoices and its capacity for dealing withrnbundles, not just individual products.
Small Business Inventory Control Pro sells for $259, but arnfree trial is available for download.
Publish-iT also includes countless text and image formattingrnoptions. This tool probably won’t meet the needs of professional graphicrndesigners, but it will work fine for most other people.
Publish-iT sells for $24, but a free trial is available forrndownload.
Advertising Manager
AdvertisingrnManager is designed to help businesses make the most of their advertisingrnbudget. The tool reminds me a lot of a business plan template because of somernof the questions it asks. Advertising Manager requires you to enter some basic informationrnabout your business and then helps you brainstorm by asking you questions aboutrnthings like market share and public perception.

Ultimate Business Plan Starter
Ultimate Business Plan Starter
Ultimate Business Plan Starter uses a tree-like interfacernthat makes it easy to move between parts of the plan. The plan’s elements arerncleanly organized into categories, such as Executive Summary, Operating Plan,rnand Financial Assumptions.
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