Screenshots: Have a stress-free vacation with the help of these five apps
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It’s that time of year. Time to pack up and leave behind thernrigors of your job (as much as you possibly can). Time to head for sunnyrnbeaches, tree-thick forests, or wherever it is you go to u201cget away from IT all.u201drnOf course, vacations can also bring their own stress—maybe not as much runningrna network or administering crucial systems, but stress nonetheless.
Luckily, plenty of apps are available to ease vacationrnstress so that you can enjoy your time away. Here are five good choices tornconsider putting on your list of u201cvacapps.u201d
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The search tools are where Hipmunk really shines. With anrneasy way to enter the necessary information, booking is just a few quick tapsrnaway. Hipmunk also saves your searches so you can use the same parameters again–arngreat feature for those who travel frequently to the same destination. Onerninteresting feature is that Hipmunk ranks flights on an u201cagonyu201d index, whichrnmeasures flight duration, number of stops, and other elements that can makernflights agonizing. This app is free, but it does require you to sign into anrnaccount. You can sign in via Google+, Facebook, or Twitter as well.
The free version of the app does a great job of ensuringrnthat you get everything necessary stuffed in your luggage. If you prefer, yourncan opt for the paid version,rnwhich allows you to create customized packing templates for trips. What’srnreally great about this app is that it will calculate how many of certain itemsrnyou will need (socks, pants, shorts, shirts, etc.). If you’re someone whornpacks, repacks, and frets about whether you packed correctly, PackPoint isrnexactly what you need.
Voyager: Route Planner
Of course you could opt for the Google My Maps app (which is anrnoutstanding choice as well), but Voyager does one thing that I really like: It calculatesrnthe most optimal route for you to get from point A to point B. You can emailrnthe resulting directions/route and even add stops along the way.
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