Screenshots: Keep your Android device backed up with these five apps
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Most Android users already enjoy a solid backup plan–whetherrnthey know it or not. Because the device is connected to a cloud account, muchrnof the data is already backed up. Couple that with using a Gmail or IMAP emailrnaccount, and email backup is just an account setup away.
But there are still bits and pieces of your device that mayrnnot get backed up. For example, the built-in backup process doesn’t collectrnyour phone-stored contacts, your SMS or phone history, some app data, or filesrnstored on your device. When you have backup needs that default Android can’trncover, where do you turn?
Here are five free apps that can easily pick up the slack.
Note: This gallery is also available as an article.
App Backup & Restore
If your device doesn’t support external SD card storage, yourncan always back up to internal, non-removable storage and then copy the folderrnto a cloud account. When it’s time for restoring, copy the file back torninternal storage and use the app to restore all your apps. App Backup &rnRestore is free, but it does include ads. There is an in-app purchase ($2.69rnUSD) to remove the ads from the app.
CM Backup
Once you’ve signed up (via the app), you will be treated torna well-designed home screen that lets you quickly see what’s available forrnbackup. You can tap into a category and select exactly what you want to back uprn(if you don’t want everything). You can also tap the Add button and back up arnfew extra pieces to the default (such as bookmarks, dictionaries, and photos).rnCM Backup is an outstanding choice if you don’t mind backing up to arnthird-party cloud solution. Both the app and 5 GB of storage are free.
Easy Backup & Restore
Easy Backup & Restore is a simple backup solution. It can back up apps, SMS,rnselected folders, MMS, call log, calendar, bookmarks, user dictionary, andrncontacts. You can set up scheduled backups, which will save the backed up filernto a cloud account or external SD card–or the file can be emailed. (You mustrnset up an IMAP account to use this feature.)
G Cloud Backup
The interface is easy to use and offers what the app callsrnMemories. These are snapshots created and ready to be uploaded. These Memoriesrnwill show you exactly what you’ve backed up and when. You can view Memories byrndate or even filter them by data type. Once a Memory is created, you must go tornthe Dashboard tab and tap Run Now to back up the Memory to your cloud account.rnThis means you can back up any snapshot of your device you like. G Cloud Backuprnis free, but you can opt out of the ads with an in-app purchase (tap the Xrnassociated with an ad to be prompted for removal).
Super Backup: SMS & Contacts
Manual backups (and restores) are as simple as a single taprnon one of the data types to be backed up. Super Backup is fairly basic, sornanyone can use it. It does include ads, but offers an in-app purchase of $1.99rnUSD to remove them.
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