Screenshots: Safeguard your site with one of these free backup tools for WordPress
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WordPress built-in backup
You probably didn’t even know that WordPress has its veryrnown built-in backup tool. If you go to Tools | Export you can easily selectrnwhat you want to back up (posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories,rnand tags). Make your selections, click Download Export File, and save the .xmlrnfile somewhere safe.
WordPress built-in backup
When you need to recover the backup, you simply use thernImport tool and import those settings. The only caveat here is that thernbuilt-in tool won’t save your settings or themes. For that, you’ll have to do arnbit of extra work. Even so, the single most important bits (your content) willrnbe saved. Do note that you must install the WordPress Importer to import that saved file.
BackWPup Free
You can save backups as xml, zip, tar, or BZip2. BackWPuprnFree also allows you to select what tables to back up from your site databasernand even include attachments to your backup. If you want more features than thernfree version offers, there is also a Pro edition that will set you back $75.00 USD.
Once you have backups available, you can select what yournwant to back up (from Database, Plugins, Themes, Uploads, and Others). You canrnalso purchase a Premium edition of UpdraftPlus that gives therntool additional features (such as a free 1 GB Updraft Vault, migrate/clonernwebsites, and no ads).
However, it’s important to note that you do need an abovernaverage technical understanding to make this tool work. Duplicator works byrncreating packages you build by walking through a wizard. Once you’ve created arnpackage, you can download it as either an installer or an archive. Prior to dornthis, you should work through the Tools section, where you can view logs, checkrndiagnostics, and use cleanup tools.
CYAN Backup
Although CYAN doesn’t enjoy cloud support, it does includernFTP, FTPS, and SFTP. So if you have an FTP site available, you can set up CYAN tornautomatically back up your WordPress installation to that destination. Once yournhave it set up, click Backup Now! to kick off your first backup. You can alsornset up a simple schedule for automated backups.
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