Screenshots: Stay on target with these five free Android goal-tracking apps
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Sometimes just keeping yourselfrnabove water requires Herculean efforts. The more you get behind, the morernimpossible it seems that you’ll be able to hit your goals. So what do you dornwhen you’re drowning in tasks, to-do’s, and trouble tickets?
You turn to goal tracking.
The GooglernPlay Store offers offers plentyrnof goal-tracking apps, but choosing the right one for your needs can be a bitrndaunting. Here are five good candidates that may help you monitor your goalsrnand achievements.
Note: This gallery is also available as an article.
Once you’ve created a goal, yourncan get a quick overview of progress through that goal’s dashboard. The individualrngoal dashboards really make GoalTracker stand out as one of the best in thernfield. If you tend to get overwhelmed with too much information and need an apprnthat breaks down individual goals in a more visually oriented manner,rnGoalTracker has your back.

Goal Tracker & Habit List
Goal Tracker & Habit List
You can view goals by Detail,rnWeek, or Month, as well as import and export goals (tap the Menu button in therntop-left corner to reveal the quick access sidebar for more options). This isrnthe perfect app for anyone who just wants to keep track of the progress ofrntheir tasks without having to worry about too many bells and whistles.
Raise the Bar
Creating a goal is simple,rnthanks to a built-in wizard. You give the goal a name, select how you want torntrack the goal (by levelling up, milestone, or check list), select the barrnoptions (reminder, repeatable goal, or deadline), set a completed by date for therngoal, and then customize your goal’s bar. Once you’ve created the bar, you canrncheck your stats, tag your goals, check off items from a list, and more. Yourncan enjoy unlimited goals and even edit data in your existing goals.
My Goals
My Goals takes a unique approach. You createrngoals (with tasks, deadlines, images, etc.) and then the app generates arnmotivational mosaic on the main screen. Yes, this might seem a bit cheesy. Butrnyou can tap on an image for your goal and immediately be taken to the detailrnscreen for that particular goal.
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