The Right Tool: The 7-Zip freeware compression tool
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7-Zip a freeware compression tool, the right tool.
7-Zip a freeware compression tool, the right tool.
The 7-Zip freeware compression tool does almost all standard compression methods including ZIP and TAR. It also includes its own compression format called 7z that is highly effective.
© CNET Networks
Josh Hoskins
Freeware compression tool, the right tool.
Creating archives within the GUI is simple. Simply browse within the explorer like interface to the files you would like to create the archive with. Select the files by highlighting them (you can select multiples by using the shift key for continuous blocks of files, or by using CTRL key for individual files). Then press the ADD button. This will bring up the add to archive window where you can select options for the creation of the archive.
© CNET Networks
Josh Hoskins
Freeware compression tool, the right tool.
Within the Add to Archive window the first thing you will want to do is to select the name and the location where you will want to place your archive. You can name your archive anything you wish, though the file extension will change based upon the archive format you choose. 7-Zip uses standard windows browse button (an ellipsis) and the normal Windows Explorer interface for placing files.
© CNET Networks
Josh Hoskins
Freeware compression tool, the right tool.
7z.exe also includes the ability to manipulate archive you have already created. This is a great help if you only have certain files within an archive you wish to update. The first of these utilities is the ability to delete files within an archive. The syntax for doing this is 7z.exe and the d switch to signify delete. You will then give the full path to your file, and then the name of the file you wish to delete. This is great if you are going to use this tool for backup purposes. You can keep an up to date archive by simply deleting the files you regularly use within the archive followed by adding the files back in as seen in the next step.
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Josh Hoskins
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