The TechRepublic Wii Olympics team
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The TechRepublic Wii Olympics team
Meet TechRepublic’s Wii Dream Team. Game on!
Bill Detwiler - Bowling
Wii surgeon and documentarian Bill Detwiler also holds TechRepublic’s highest score for Wii bowling.
Mark Kaelin - Golf
Former high school baseball and soccer star Mark Kaelin is now TechRepublic’s steely-eyed Wii golf specialist. He encourages young athletes to “practice, practice, practice.”
Sonja Thompson - Boxing
Decades of all-around superjock training and Tae Bo experience serve Sonja well as TechRepublic’s Wii boxing specialist.
Eric Brinley - Tennis, Baseball, Boxing, Golf
Eric is a Wii generalist. “Brinley is still too young to specialize,” says Eric’s coach. “But he’s loaded with Wii potential. In a few years, I see him rivalling Bill Detwiler at bowling, or Sonja Thompson at boxing.”
Beth Blakely - Bowling, Boxing, Tennis
“Wii bowling is my life,” Beth admitted in a recent Sports Illustrated interview. She has a cubicle packed with trophies to prove it.
Eve Lee - Baseball
Trained by none other than Carlton Fisk, Eve can pursue her Wii baseball fantasies–in a skirt, no less–now that she has lived to see her hometown White Sox win the World Series.
John Sheesley - Bowling and Golf
John is actively lobbying Nintendo into admitting Scrabble as a legitimate Wii sport.
Shawn Morton - Baseball
Wii baseball star Smorty is proudly batting .900, a TechRepublic record. He is also afflicted with Wii elbow, TR’s first Wii-related injury.
Bryan Peabody
“I’d rather be coding.”
Paul Cook
Tom Osborne
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