The ToyBox presents: Top 10 Summer Gadgets 2008
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Top 10 Summer Gadgets 2008
What’s in your gadget toybox? An old MP3 player, wound up earbuds, ratty sneakers and a serious case of gadget envy?
Fear not — the editors of The ToyBox bring you the Top 10 summer gadgets that should be in your toybox this summer.
It’s time to get out of that office and get some sunlight. Click on to begin! (Image: Popgadget)

Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Asus Eee PC 900 (white, Windows XP)
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Asus Eee PC 900 (white, Windows XP)
Why the Asus Eee PC 900? Simple: Because light and airy is the summertime way to go, and nothing’s better than a nine-inch laptop with lightweight Windows XP on it. Plus, this laptop fashionably wears white before Labor Day.
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Aliph Jawbone 2 (gold)
Leave the sharks in the water and chat hands-free with the Aliph Jawbone 2, which comes in a beach-ready gold color.
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Canon FS100 (sapphire blue)
Home videos don’t need to be in high-def widescreen format. Enter the budget-friendly Canon FS100 camcorder, which at a mere 10.7 ounces and $399 won’t break your hand or your bank when the kids want to show you something. “Dad! Dad!”

Top 10 Summer Gadgets: JVC HA-NC250 Noise Canceling Headphones
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: JVC HA-NC250 Noise Canceling Headphones
Simple problem, simple solution: Noise-cancellation, without the hefty Bose-like price tag. With JVC’s HA-NC250 Noise Canceling Headphones, you’ll never hear your neighbor’s riding mower again — only crystal clear notes.
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Logitech Pure-Fi Anywhere
With travel-friendly design and great sound for an affordable price, you can’t go wrong bringing Logitech’s Pure-Fi Anywhere out into the yard.

Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Canon PowerShot A470 (orange)
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Canon PowerShot A470 (orange)
Our review of the Canon PowerShot A470 says you’d have a hard time finding a better snapshot camera, and we’re inclined to agree. Plus, the snappy orange color scheme means you’ll know which point-and-shoot is yours among a wave of silver lookalikes.
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Phillips GoGear SA2825 (2GB)
Need a quick-n’-dirty MP3 player but don’t want to pony up for an iPod? The Phillips GoGear SA2825 is no bigger than an Oreo cookie — and at $45, the price tag is just as delicious.
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Canon Pixma iP100
After you’ve snapped pictures of the kids, print them at high resolution and high speed with Canon’s Pixma iP100. You won’t even have to leave the yard.

Top 10 Summer Gadgets: 2008 Ford Mustang V-6 Deluxe Convertible
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: 2008 Ford Mustang V-6 Deluxe Convertible
What’s summer without a drop-top? The 2008 Ford Mustang V-6 Deluxe Convertible screams sweet summertime, from the powerful amplifier inside to the wide mouth grill — and best yet, this ‘stang’s V6 won’t kill your wallet like the bigger V8 will.
Top 10 Summer Gadgets: Nokia N78
Snap pictures, Geotag them on the fly, and take calls from your significant other — the Nokia N78 sounds like the perfect summertime phone.