With innovative new design, Jabra Stone reimagines Bluetooth headsets
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With innovative new design, Jabra Stone reimagines Bluetooth headsets
With innovative new design, Jabra Stone reimagines Bluetooth headsets
The new Jabra Stone Bluetooth headset offers an all-new design that’s the best of the over-the-ear and in-the-ear varities. Better still, it’s light as a feather and sports premium electronics. Here’s a look.
Read the original post: Jabra Stone reimagines Bluetooth headsets; ‘MacBook Air’ of earpieces

With innovative new design, Jabra Stone reimagines Bluetooth headsets
The new Jabra Stone Bluetooth headset offers an all-new design that's the best of the over-the-ear and in-the-ear varities. Better still, it's light as a feather and sports premium electronics. Here's a look.
With innovative new design, Jabra Stone reimagines Bluetooth headsets
The new Jabra Stone Bluetooth headset offers an all-new design that’s the best of the over-the-ear and in-the-ear varities. Better still, it’s light as a feather and sports premium electronics. Here’s a look.
Read the original post: Jabra Stone reimagines Bluetooth headsets; ‘MacBook Air’ of earpieces
The new Jabra Stone Bluetooth headset offers an all-new design that's the best of the over-the-ear and in-the-ear varities. Better still, it's light as a feather and sports premium electronics. Here's a look.
Andrew Nusca is the editor of SmartPlanet.
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