You want solid advice? Forget Dear Abby; you don’t want to know about Sleep-O-Rama-in-Kansas’ chronic fatigue syndrome or how some stranger’s grandparents met. You want IT career advice, and you want it now.
And you’re in luck. Kevin Rosenberg’s Career Compass has the tricks, tips, and know-how to get you the perfect job or make the most of the one you’ve got. And of all of Kevin’s helpful words of wisdom, you’ve chosen one column in particular that stands out above the rest. In “Should I ask my client for a job? And how can I make the most of my MBA?,” Kevin answers two career-essential questions from TechRepublic readers. If you haven’t read it yet, now is your chance.
During the past week, TechRepublic has presented the top articles of 1999. The Career Compass column above was the second most-read article in the ManagerRepublic during the last year. So far, our countdown this week has included:
- Number 5: “Take no prisoners: Send your new hires to boot camp”
- Number 4: “Apply branding principals to your career in IT”
- Number 3: “E-Commerce: Start small and learn fast”
Check back with us tomorrow as we name the number 1 story for IT managers in 1999.
Do you have a career question for Kevin?
If you have a question concerning your IT career, please drop Kevin a note. If you’d like to comment on this article, post a comment below.