When concatenating—using a formula to combine data and/or
text from one or more cells into one cell—date cells with text cells in an
Excel formula, you must first convert the referenced date cells to text;
otherwise, you end up with an unexpected result. For example, suppose cell H11
contained the text Due Date: and cell H12 contained a formula that calculated
the date. H12 is correctly formatted for the date data type, m/d/yyyy. If you use the formula =H11&H12 to concatenate
these cells, the result comes back with the serial date (such as, Due Date:

Because Excel ignores the formatting of H12, Excel returns
the serial date unless the contents of H12 are converted to text before
concatenating, as shown in the following formula:

=H11&TEXT(H12,” mmmm d, yyyy”)

The correct result of this formula is Due Date: December 3,

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