In August of 2019, Apple launched the Apple Card across the US. The credit card works with the Apple Wallet app to streamline payments for Apple customers. Cardholders who want the actual card can request it via the Wallet app. Individuals may eventually want to cancel their Apple Card for any number of reasons. Historically, many have often sliced their old cards when they were finished with them.
Unlike traditional plastic credit cards, the Apple card is made predominantly of titanium. This presents a number of difficulties when it comes to disposing of the card once customers choose to cancel the line of credit. Needless to say, one cannot simply slice a titanium card to smithereens using a standard pair of household scissors or push the product through a shredder.
For this reason, we’ve curated this guide explaining how to dispose of Apple Cards when the time comes. Fortunately, Apple makes the process exceptionally easy and straightforward.
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How to recycle Apple Cards
As part of the Apple Trade In program, individuals are able to trade-in eligible old or unwanted Apple products in exchange for an Apple Store Gift Card. The company will also recycle old Apple products that are not eligible for Apple Store Gift cards. This route gives people the ability to recycle Apple Cards the same way they would go about recycling their other Apple products. Although, it’s important to note that Apple does not offer gift cards for old Apple Cards.
Individuals interested in pursuing this option will need to visit the Apple Trade In website. Once on the page, you’ll need to scroll down and select “other devices” from the row of Apple product options. Next, select “Apple Card” from the drop-down menu. Then, fill out a short form with basic address information. This will allow Apple to ship you a prepaid label for the return shipping process.
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Individuals uncomfortable with shipping their canceled Apple card back to the company via a prepaid shipping label can always use an industrial pair of scissors to slice the defunct card to shreds. However, if an individual chooses to cut up the card and mail the old shredded Apple card to the company, the company will not be able to recycle the item, per an Apple customer service representative we spoke with.
We reached out to a number of metal recycling companies and none of these organizations were interested in individually recycling an old Apple Card although individuals could have better luck with metal recyclers in their areas. Regardless, simply using the prepaid label and return process may be the easiest ways to recycle Apple Cards.