Users can enter criteria directly into a parameter query’s dialog box, but there may be times when they’ll need to run a parameter query while working in a form. You can add a button to the form that will run a query using criteria entered in a form field. For example, say your company services customers in two states, Missouri and Illinois. You would like to create a query that will allow service personnel working in either state to quickly get a list of their customer data. Follow these steps:
- Open the form in Design View.
- Click on the Text Box tool and then click and drag to locate the control in your form.
- Right-click the text box and select Properties.
- Click in the Name property box and enter txtEnterState.
- Click in the Caption property box and type Enter MO or IL.
- Click on the Command Button tool and click and drag to locate the button in your form (Figure A).
Figure A
- Close and save your form. (In this example, we saved the form as qryFormQueryState.)
- Click on the Query object in the Database window and click New. (In Access 2007, click the Create tab and then click Query Design in the Other group.)
- Add all the fields you want to your query.
- Right-click the Criteria cell under the State field and select Build.
- Enter the following code at the prompt, as shown in Figure B:
Figure B
- Click OK.
- Close and save the query. (In this example, we saved the query as Customer Query by State.)
- Open the form in Design view.
- Click the Command Button control and then click and drag to locate the control in your form.
- In the Command Button Wizard, click Miscellaneous in the Categories box, and then click Run Query (Figure C).
Figure C
- Click Next. Select Customer Query by State, and then click Next again.
- Click in the text box and type Run Customer Query by State, as shown in Figure D.
Figure D
- Click Next and then click Finish.
Now when service representatives want a customer list, they simply enter the appropriate state and click the Run Customer Query by State button (Figure E).
Figure E
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