If you have three or more rows of data, chances are, you’ll need to summarize those values in some way. Summarizing is one of the most common tasks we perform in Excel. The term summarize implies a group. That group can be the entire dataset or several groups, but the concept is the same. Summarizing the entire dataset as a single group is easy, and you probably don’t need help to implement that. Summarizing multiple groups takes a little more work.
In this article, I’ll show you three summarizing methods: using the Filter feature, using the Subtotal feature, and generating a PivotTable. I’ll add a multiple group requirement to complicate things. Specifically, we’ll use these tools to return the average age by groups of the records shown in Figure A.
Figure A
We’ll return the average age of specific groups.
For your convenience, you can download the example demonstration .xls or .xlsx file. Instructions are for Excel 2013, but I’ll include instructions for other versions when significantly different.
We’ll start with Excel’s built-in filtering feature. For better or worse, you can filter for only one group at a time. The first thing you need is an averaging function. You might consider using AVERAGE(), but don’t. It’ll work great to evaluate your entire dataset, but it won’t update when you filter that dataset. Instead, use the SUBTOTAL() function, which will update as you filter records.
This function uses an argument to determine how to mathematically evaluate the referenced values using the syntax
SUBTOTAL(functionnumber, ref1, ref2, …)
where functionnumber is one of the values in Table A.
Figure B shows the result of inserting a few rows above the dataset and adding the function =SUBTOTAL(1,B4:B13).
Figure B
Table A
There are a few behaviors you’ll need to know when applying SUBTOTAL() to your work:
- SUBTOTAL() ignores nested subtotals to avoid double counting.
- SUBTOTAL() includes values in rows hidden by the Hide Rows command. If you want SUBTOTAL() to ignore values in rows hidden this way, add the value 100 to the function number. For example, instead of using 1 to average, you’d use 101.
- SUBTOTAL() ignores rows hidden by a filter, regardless of the function number. That’s what we’re doing.
- SUBTOTAL() doesn’t support multi-sheet referencing.
After inserting the SUBTOTAL() function, you’re ready to filter as follows:
- Click any cell inside the dataset, and then click Filter on the Data tab (in the Sort & Filter group). Another option is to press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[L]. In Excel 2003, choose Filter from the Data menu, and then choose AutoFilter. Excel will display drop-downs in the header cell for each column.
- Click the Age drop-down.
- In the resulting list, choose Number Filters and then Between (Figure C). In Excel 2003, choose (Custom).
Figure C - Enter 10 in the first control; enter 19 in the second (Figure D). The default operator is And; don’t change it. In Excel 2003, you must specify the conditions: choose is greater than or equal to from the first drop-down and is less than or equal to from the second.
Figure D - Click OK, and Excel will display only those records where the age value is between 10 and 19. As you can see in Figure E, the SUBTOTAL() function in B1 returns the average age, 16, of the filtered group.
Figure E
Filtering is easy to implement, but you have to filter for each group each time you need it. On the other hand, it shines when you’re asked for unexpected details. For instance, the next time you’re in a meeting and the boss asks, “What’s the average for the 20-29 group?” you’ll have the answer in only a few clicks. Impressive!
Filtering is fine for quick views of a single group. If you want to see all groups evaluated at once, use Excel’s Subtotal feature. You’ll have to sort the dataset first, and that can be problematic for some. Also, this feature needs an anchor–a value to determine where a group begins and ends. Right now, there’s nothing to group the data by; we haven’t defined the groups yet. In keeping with the filter example, we’ll base our age groups on 10, beginning with 0: 0-9, 10-19, 20-19, and so on.
At this point, we need a way to relate each age to its respective group. To this end, add the group data table shown in Figure F, and use LOOKUP() to return the appropriate age group label for each record.
Figure F
Create an age group table.
The values in column E represent the lowest age in each group, which LOOKUP() accommodates nicely. The labels in column F include the lowest and the highest age, as text. You’ll have to generate this table manually, although after entering 0 and 10 in column E, you can use AutoFill to complete that column. In Excel 2013, you can use Flash Fill to help complete column F. To learn more about Flash Fill, read “Excel 2013 Flash Fill anticipates needs on the fly.” (Don’t expect perfection, but it’s helpful.)
To add the grouping labels (column C) to the dataset, enter the following expression for the first record (C4) and copy it to the remaining records:
This function references the age values in column B and reviews the first column (column E) in the group data table (columns E and F) for the first value that matches or is less than the age value. Then, it returns the corresponding value in column F. For example, 3 is the first age value. The second value in column E is 10, so LOOKUP() evaluates the preceding value of 0 and thereby returns the group label 0-9. To work properly, the lookup values in column E must be in numeric order. As mentioned earlier, the grouping values must also be sorted.
Now let’s evaluate the data by the new grouping values using Excel’s Subtotal feature as follow:
- Click any cell in the Age column, because you must sort these values for the Subtotal feature to work.
- Click Sort & Filter in the Editing group (on the Home tab).
- Choose Sort Smallest To Largest. In Excel 2003, use Sort Ascending on the Standard toolbar.
- After sorting the dataset, click the Data tab, and then click Subtotal in the Outline group. In Excel 2003, choose Subtotals from the Data menu.
- From the first drop-down, choose Group to identify the grouping values.
- Choose Average from the Use Function drop-down.
- Select Age from the final drop-down (Figure G). Deselect any other columns if necessary.
Figure G - Click OK to see the results (Figure H).
Figure H
To see only the summary rows, as shown in Figure I, click 2 in the Subtotal pane to the left. Click 1 to display the total row, and click 3 to display everything. I purposely left a blank age value, so you could see the error in B20. In this case, it’s harmless. To remove the subtotaling rows, click inside the dataset. Click Subtotal on the Data tab, and then click Remove All in the resulting dialog.
Figure I
Hide the detail records.
Inserting a PivotTable is another way to evaluate grouped averages. A PivotTable lets you reorganize and summarize data in a meaningful and visual way, without changing the structure of the underlying data. To generate a PivotTable using the .xlsx format, do the following:
- Click anywhere inside the dataset. You don’t need to sort anything first, but you do need the group data table and the grouping labels (LOOKUP() function) from the last section.
- Click the Insert tab, click PivotTable in the Tables group, and then choose PivotTable from the drop-down list. In the resulting dialog box, make sure the range, PivotTable Setup!$A$3:$C$13, is correct and the New Worksheet option is selected (Figure J). Click OK. (PivotTable Setup is the name of the sheet where the dataset resides.)
Figure J - Drag the Age field to the Values list. From the drop-down, choose Value Field Settings (Figure K).
Figure K - In the resulting dialog, choose Average (Figure L), and click OK.
Figure L - Drag the Group field to the Rows list (Figure M).
Figure M
Using Excel 2003, engage the wizard by choosing PivotTable and PivotTable Charts from the Data menu, and then click Finish. Using the PivotTable Field List, add Age to the Data Area. Right-click the resulting field, choose Field Settings, select Average, and then click OK. Next, Add the Group field to the Row Area.
At this point, you might be done. However, you could add the detail records to the table by dragging the Name field to the Row Labels list as shown in Figure N.
Figure N
Display detail records.
The PivotTable might seem like the most efficient route. You can position it on another sheet and use it separately from the data. You can easily display, or not, the detail records. On the other hand, if you update values in the dataset, you must remember to refresh the PivotTable to evaluate those new values. That’s the main disadvantage–people simply forget to update the PivotTable after changing the underlying data.
Summarizing groups
Three built-in features give you quick results when summarizing data by multiple groups: you can filter, use the Subtotal feature, and generate a PivotTable. They all have their pros and cons. The data and how you want to evaluate and report it should guide your choice. You could also use formulas, which I haven’t shown in this article.
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