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  • #2144897

    instagram video issue

    by mclglin ·


    I know this is probably very off topic, but I’ve tried asking on multiple places and this is my last resort. I have multiple instagram accounts logged in on my phone, and since yesterday i’ve been trying to post a video to one of them. When posting, I can see and interact with the video post from the account I posted it on just fine. It shows up on my page, story, on tags and dms. But I was checking to see if it’s visible on other accounts, and… it’s a completely different story. First of all it doesn’t show up on the page on which it was posted, but the posts count on the top is correct. The story I shared the post to on the original account basically doesn’t exist to any other accounts, and it the post doesnt show up on tags or dms.
    The video is an mp4 file type and 1080×608, 30fps and h.264.
    I worked really hard on this darn video and i just want to get it out. I have no idea what the problem could be, and i’d really appreciate help if you have it.

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  • Author
    • #2417845


      by morglaw33 ·

      In reply to instagram video issue

      I also had problems uploading videos… In my case, I used a song in the video and Instagram kept banning the video because of copyright.
      So first make sure you are using legal content, second are you sure your others accounts are not banned (in black list) of the main account?
      And also it could be (but not sure) that the video is being processed (accepted) by Instagram itself and will be visible in the future minutes/hour.

    • #2418703

      appeal to Instagram

      by ankitsingh213506 ·

      In reply to instagram video issue

      sometimes it happens, Instagram find that this video is inappropriate but after appealing the video you can recover it.

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