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  • #2143838

    Which minimum requirements we should specify with contractor?

    by 0metehankaya0 ·

    [Background Info] We are a start-up company which works on orgainising both physical and online, live, real-estate auctions. For this purpose, we need a website which will allow us to announce, to advertise and to coordinate live online auctions. Unfortunately we are new to the internet so we need a contractor who can lead our project and give some consultancy to us.
    At the end of the job, we must have a well designed, complete website with proffessional branding. We see branding, design and software as a whole. So the contractor that we seek, should be able to help and guide us on all these 3 fields.
    We are searching for a long-term, proffessional business relationship. We are ready to pay for quality.
    [Question] As you know there are lots of scammers on the market and it is hard to trust anybody. Additionally, we do not want some unexpected fees or surprises after signing the contract. At this point we need your help. Which minimum requirements we should strictly specify?
    Please help, we are alien to technical web development, we do not want to be double-crossed.
    Please help guys.

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    • #2421606


      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Which minimum requirements we should specify with contractor?

      Your startup is growing, so it’s time to hire for a few new roles. You haven’t had much experience hiring, however — you built your current team with a few industry friends. But, now you want to adopt some solid HR practices so you can hire smart.
      1. Job information
      Some key pieces of information to start with include the job title and the team or department with which the employee will work. Explain how performance will be evaluated and to whom the new hire will report.
      2. Compensation and benefits
      Outline the compensation and benefits package. It should include the annual salary or hourly rate, information about raises, bonuses, or incentives and how these may be obtained. Explain what the benefits plan includes — medical, dental, eye care, etc. — what percent the employer pays, and what percent the employee pays. If offered, include information about the 401(k) plan, stock options, and any fringe benefits.
      3. Time off, sick days, and vacation policy
      Thoroughly explain the time off policy.
      How many paid vacation days are accrued per pay period?
      Do vacation days increase with long tenure?
      Also explain your expectations regarding sick days, family emergencies, or unpaid leave.
      Can employees make up hours by working after-hours and weekend events?
      4. Employee classification
      Define whether the new hire is an employee or contractor to ensure tax and insurance compliance. Uber has faced many lawsuits due to employment misclassification and continues to fight it. Learn what distinguishes employees from contractors, and classify employees correctly right from the beginning so you won’t have to worry.
      5. The schedule and employment period
      The contract should clearly state if employment is ongoing or for a set term. It should also include when the employee is expected to work to define the employer-employee relationship.
      Include the amount of hours the employee is expected to work and any flexible working options like working from home or remotely while out of town. If the job requires working nights and weekends, explain when and how often.
      6. Confidentiality agreement
      Protect sensitive information like business trade secrets and client data by having the employee sign a confidentiality agreement within the contract. Instead of making this a separate contract or piece of paper, include it as a section of the employment contract and place a field in the section where new hires can sign digitally.

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