Networking10 signs you may not be cut out for a support tech job
The role of support tech is ideal for some people--but it might not be the best choice for others. This list will help you determine which camp you fall in.
The role of support tech is ideal for some people--but it might not be the best choice for others. This list will help you determine which camp you fall in.
IT pro Becky Roberts discovered that in the support field, certain workplace aggravations seem to persist regardless of the industry or environment. See if your annoyances match hers.
Being a support pro can entail a fairly high level of aggravation, some (maybe a lot) of which can be laid at the doorstep of the very customer you serve: the end user. But IT pro Becky Roberts advocates taking a step back occasionally and considering the situation from the user's perspective.
The job description might specify a set of responsibilities, such as 'Installs, tests, and maintains PC and network hardware and software systems,' but the qualities required for excelling as a support tech go way beyond the ability to perform particular tasks. See if you agree that these 12 attributes are the real measure of a good candidate for a support tech position.