SoftwareTips for choosing your professional email address
Your professional email address is like a handshake to clients. Chip Camden advises what to do and what not to do when creating that email address.
Chip Camden has been programming since 1978, and he's still not done. An independent consultant since 1991, Chip specializes in software development tools, languages, and migration to new technology. Besides writing for TechRepublic's IT Consultant blog, he also contributes to [Geeks Are Sexy] Technology News and his two personal blogs, Chip's Quips and Chip's Tips for Developers.
Your professional email address is like a handshake to clients. Chip Camden advises what to do and what not to do when creating that email address.
Before signing on with a consulting firm during difficult economic times, Chip Camden advises you to ask yourself four tough questions and get thorough answers.
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