CXOFive apps for video calls and collaboration
Remote communications have become a lot more effective thanks to software that adds video to your chatting, calling, and online collaboration.
Katherine Murray is a technology writer and the author of more than 60 books on a variety of topics, ranging from small business technology to green computing to blogging to Microsoft Office 2010. Her most recent books include Microsoft Office 2010 Plain & Simple (Microsoft Press, 2010), Microsoft Word 2010 Plain & Simple (Microsoft Press, 2010), and Microsoft Word 2010 Inside Out (Microsoft Press, 2010).
Remote communications have become a lot more effective thanks to software that adds video to your chatting, calling, and online collaboration.
Tired of manually taking notes? Here are some convenient audio note-taking alternatives.
Gathering feedback and gauging public interest or sentiment has never been easier. Here are several good tools designed for the task.
Developing useful training materials can be a little daunting, especially if you're new to the process. Katherine Murray shares a few simple recommendations for creating topnotch learning modules.
You can save time (and stop wasting label sheets) if you master Word's tools for creating and printing labels.
Tell the truth, now. When you see a new worksheet arrive in your Inbox, your pulse doesn’t exactly quicken, does it? I’m guessing that you don’t lean forward in your chair, eager to open the file and see what exciting new numbers the worksheet is likely to present. Or maybe you do have a pulse-pounding ...