Five Apps: Organize your note taking with five more apps
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Five more apps for better note taking and organization
Thisrngallery is also available as a TechRepublic article.
Earlier this month, I gave a fivernapp round up on some note taking applications for Windows that I felt were wellrndesigned and helpful for staying organized throughout the day at thernworkplace. Due to the excellent feedback I received on that entry, filled withrnplenty of excellent alternatives listed in the comments area, I opted to pushrnout another five apps round for my readers on this topic, since there were sornmany other gems that deserved to shine in the spotlight.
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
Google Keep 1
Five Apps
1. Google Keep
As part of the Google Drive package, Google Keep is a basicrnservice for cloud-based notes and lists. I was able to cobble a sample piecerntogether, complete with embedded images as well. Lists of items can also bernmade for tracking parts of an agenda or whatever else using the handy checkmarkrnboxes to strike out completed steps.
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
Google Keep 2
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
Notepad++ 1
2. Notepad++
rnrnIf you are looking for arntool that takes Windows Notepad out to pasture, Notepad++ is definitely worth arngood look. With a tabbed window mode and additional text editing functions thatrncan also double up as a multi-programming language editor in a pinch, includingrnfull on syntax recognition, this free utility is quite flexible for mostrnanyone’s needs.
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
Notepad++ 2
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
Zim Desktop Wiki 1
3. Zim Desktop Wiki
Jotting down notes doesn’t have to be limited to a singlerndocument. If you prefer a web-like structure for spanning out your content, ZimrnDesktop Wiki can offer this and more. You can create pages that can be furtherrndeveloped in layers using sub-pages, which can be easily navigated through thernside pane or via the back and forward buttons, much like browsing the web.
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
Zim Desktop Wiki 2
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
NoteTab 1
Ifrnyou truly wanted to have it all in an editor app, simply look no further thanrnto NoteTab. I have never seen a text editor software package with so manyrnfeatures before. In addition to creating your notes in the form TXT files, yourncan also create OTL text outline files for keeping tabs on sections of content,rnutilize a wide variety of web services to help you craft more thoughtful prose,rnuse a clipbook to keep commonly used snippets of text saved for future use, andrnso much more.
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
NoteTab 2
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
NoteCase Pro 1
5. NoteCase Pro
rnrnJust like NoteTab, anotherrntruly diverse and well-featured text editor suited for note taking with addedrnflexibility is NoteCase Pro. Not only can you create notes at your leisure, butrnyou can create Lua-based automation scripts and sync all of your saved files torna service like Dropbox or Box. Simply set your sync server settings and you canrnrest assured that your musings won’t be lost forever in the unfortunate eventrnof disk failure.
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
NoteCase Pro 2
Credit: Images byrnMatthew Nawrocki for TechRepublic
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