SoftwareFive Apps: More ways to capture screens in Windows
You can never have too many options for taking pictures of your desktop and windows.
A former avid technology writer and an IT guru, Matthew is here to help bring the best in software, hardware and the web to the collective consciousness of TechRepublic's readership. In addition to writing for TechRepublic, Matthew currently works as a Customer Success Professional for Ultimate Software in Santa Ana, California.
You can never have too many options for taking pictures of your desktop and windows.
Five more feature-rich and proper note taking apps to help you better organize your thoughts and words.
There are other alternative web browsers that deserve a fair look. Here are five solid alternative browser choices.
Incorporate a feature-rich and proper note taking app to help you better organize your thoughts and words.
It is important to have a VNC client handy to give you the power to access any other machine over an intranet or the regular Internet.
It is important to have a VNC client handy to give you the power to access any other machine over an intranet or the regular Internet.
So long as we continue to use and abuse our platter based drives, we will continue to need defragmentation apps.
Help bridge the gap between people virtually, with these five tools.
Deliver a solid first impression and a clean installation with five installer products for Windows.
Deliver a solid first impression and a clean installation with five installer products for Windows.