When a user makes a change to the first field in a form, that change is not saved until the user has moved on to the next record. Rather than having the user tab through all the controls on the form to move to the end of the record, you can add a Save Record button that the user can click to save the record immediately after the change. Follow these steps:
- Open the form in Design view.
- Right-click any toolbar and click Toolbox. Click to activate the Control Wizards button, if necessary, and then click the Command button tool. (In Word 2007, on the Form Design Tools tab, click to activate the Use Control Wizards button in the Controls group, if necessary, then click the Command button.
- Click and drag in the form where you want to locate the command button.
- Under Categories, click Record Operations.
- Under Actions, click Save Record.
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Enter cmdSaveRecord.
- Click Finish.
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